Alleyn Park, 23


Species and Location of Trees

T1.       A Silver Birch tree approximately 12m in height, situated 6m from the front elevation of the property.  The tree is sited too close to the property.

T2.       A Sycamore tree approximately 14m in height, situated on the front boundary 17.8m from the front elevation of the property

TG3.    A Thuya tree approximately 2.5m in height, situated 2.4m from the front elevation of the property.  The tree is sited too close to the property.

T6.       An Ash tree approximately 14.5m in height, situated on the right-hand side boundary of the front garden 12.5m from the front elevation of the property.  The tree is sited too close to the property.

TG1.    A Silver Birch tree approximately 12m in height, situated 12m from the front elevation of the property.  The tree is showing signs of decay with several bracket fungi on the main trunk.

Description of Approved Works

T1.       Remove and the stump either removed or poisoned.

T2.       Remove and the stump either removed or poisoned.

T3.       Remove and the stump either removed or poisoned.

T6.       Remove and the stump either removed or poisoned.

TG1.    Remove and the stump either removed or poisoned.

Details of Replacement Required

As a condition of the removals of the above, a replacement tree is to be planted on the front boundary with Alleyn Park and below are the three-alternative species for consideration:

Amelanchier lamarckii              (Snowy Mespilus)

Acer griseum                            (Paperbark Maple)

Sorbus aria ‘Majestica’             (Variety of Whitebeam)



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