Alleyn Park, 13


Species and Location of Trees

T1.         A Plane tree approximately 18m in height, situated in the front right-hand corner adjacent to Alleyn Park.

T2.         A Yew tree approximately 6m in height, situated close to the Plane (T1) above but on the other side of the driveway.  The tree is a little tall and encroaching into the lower canopy of the Plane tree.

T3.         An Ornamental Cypress tree approximately 5m in height, situated close to the house near the left-hand side of the front door.

T4.         A Copper Beech tree approximately 9m in height, situated on the right-hand side boundary towards the bottom of the rear garden.  The tree appears to be in declining health with some dieback in the upper crown.

T5.         A Cypress hedge along the right-hand side boundary of the rear garden.  The hedge is a little overgrown and tall.

Description of Approved Works

T1.         No work is permitted apart from the removal of a small amount of dead wood.

T2.         Reduce in height by approximately 1m and the side growth pruned back proportionally to form a more rounded and compact specimen.

T3.         Lightly trim back from the gutter and wall.  The height and basic shape should be retained.

T4.         It is agreed that the tree would be retained for the time being and monitored, however, all dead wood should be removed and the tree re-shaped as necessary.

T5.         Reduce to approximately 2m and the side growth clipped back to a vertical line whilst retaining green foliage and not exposing the inner dead wood.



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