Townley Road, 19


Species and Location of Trees

H1.        A Leylandii Hedge comprising three trees, approximately 2.6m in hight, situated to the rear garden boundary with no.2 Dovercourt Road.

Description of Approved Works

H1.        Fell to the ground.

Details of Replacement Required

As a condition of the removals of the above, a new hedge must be planted up to 7m in length comprising of either:

  • Container grown plants minimum 1.5m to 2.5m in height, or
  • Up to 5 pleached ornamental hedging species, minimum 10cm stem girth.

The following pleached species are suitable:

Amelanchier                    (Amelanchier spp)

Cornelian Cherry             (Cornus mas)

Eleagnus                          (Eleagnus ebbingei)

Holly                                 (Ilex spp)

Photinia                           (Photinia Red Robin)

Mixed or single species hedging:

Hawthorn                        (Crateagus monogyna)

Spindle                             (Euonymus europaea)

Yew                                   (Taxus baccata)

Blackthorn                       (Prunus spinosa)

Cherry Plum                     (Prunus cerasifera)

Alternatively, a trellis structure would be acceptable planted with suitable species including:

Fallopia                            (Fallopia baldschuanica)

Ivy                                     (Hedera spp)

Jasmine                            (Trachelospermum spp)

Virginia creeper               (Parthenocissus spp)

Wisteria                           (Wisteria spp)



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